Great piece by Douglas Rushkoff questioning whether we need new technologies to usher us into a future economy that is optimized for humanity and not for consumption, and I agree that our obsession with novelty is orthoganal to actual progress.
I also agree that creating trust is a critical component, and that such trust should be based on a foundation of mutual respect and the recognition of mutually important contribution. I disagree, however, wich what seems to be an assumption Douglas makes about the way Web3 could contribute to this.
I am heartened by Web3's transparency thanks to the power of the Distributed Ledger, and the organizational form it has enabled (the DAO) which I am observing to be catalyzing a new era of efficient worker-owned cooperatives.
DAOs, coupled with transparant accounting for externalities published on a publicly auditable ledger could enable a new age where industry internalizes externalities and worker-owned cooperatives make decisions optimized for their fellow owner-operators as opposed to a disembodied class of shareholders.